WHAT’S GOIN’ ON?! Newsletter
It’s time to be talkin’ turkey, people! Let me hear your Gobble! Gobble! I hope you’ve been making space in your diets and getting plenty of exercise to prepare for the gluttony of Thanksgiving Day! I think it would be better to enjoy the meal slowly, a little at a time, over the period of a week instead of cramming it in one day, but that’s just my opinion! I just need some pie and half a can of Reddi-Wip…and maybe a walk…you know, to make room for more pie! Shhh! Don’t tell Claudia!
First up, I want to remind you to keep an eye on your bulletin for last minute changes, corrections (because I tend to talk without knowing what I’m talking about…bless!), and additions (because it’s hard to put one of these together a whole month early!). All the usual weekly activities will meet at their regularly scheduled times, with one exception: There’s NO Wed. Nov. 23 activities! Offices are closed Nov 23rd, Nov. 24th and Nov 25th for Thanksgiving.
The big news for the month is the Business Meeting on Sunday, November 6 after the morning service. The 2017 Budget Proposal, Missions Report, 2017 Ministry Leaders, etc. will be presented for consideration. As always, whenever there is a Business Meeting, there is a Council Meeting earlier that day at 8:30am…if you have something to present during the meeting, make sure to show up and get it put on the agenda.
Next up, parents and kids…Parents’ Night Out will be Saturdays, November 5 & 26, from 6-10pm. Operation Christmas Child boxes need to be turned in by Sunday, November 6 (this is such a busy, busy day!). The MoMs group will meet Wednesdays, November 9 & 23, from 10-11:30am, for Small Group and a Play Date, respectively. They could still use some extra hands loving littles for the November 9th date…remember when you dropped off your kiddos and they were crying? C’mon, people, hug a baby and give some moms 90 minutes to invest in themselves…mom self-care can be non-existent during this season, but it is so necessary!
On Sunday, November 13 at 4pm, The Deacons will be meeting to talk about all of us…no, seriously, about how they can serve and love on us…chase them down and give them a hug! I’m being serious, now…go hug your Deacon! The School Outreach Team will be meeting at 5pm to discuss how they are going to encourage Rockville HS teachers and staff in the coming months. Everyone is welcome to join the team, and help bless some of the people who are in the trenches loving on the teens of our community. See Lori Jones for details.
Last up for the month is Sunday, November 20. After the morning service is the annual Church Thanksgiving meal. Bring all your best fixins’ and desserts. Ham and turkey, potatoes and rolls will be provided. This is the beginning of the eating holidays, so pace yourselves! Afterward, take a walk or a nap…your choice! Missions Team…y’all will be napping & working together at your 4:30pm meeting November 20th! Good luck staying awake! Ugh…I’m full already!