WHAT’S GOIN’ ON?! Newsletter
Vroom, vroom! It’s time to start your engines and race into May! The weather is becoming just lovely, so I know your calendars are filling up quickly. Here’s what is happening with your Church family this month…
First up, Sunday, May 1. If you like meetings, then this is your day! Council meeting is at 8:30am, followed by the Business meeting after morning worship, followed by a Deacon meeting at 4:00pm, followed by Bible study at 6:00pm. I suggest bringing a pillow, blanket and lots of snacks!
Next Sunday, May 8, is Mother’s Day…don’t forget to dote and love on your wives and mommas!…they do some hard work, y’all! This momma is hoping for a trip to Starbucks for a caffeine infusion! (Side note: I believe there will not be Sunday night Bible study.)
Wednesday, May 11, is the last MOPS small group meeting for this season. The ladies meet from 10:00-11:30am for a little grown-up momma time and encouragement. New ladies are still making their way to this group. If you want to give a little of your time and help them watch their littles, I am sure you will bless them all tremendously! Wednesday, May 25, is a MOPS play date, also from 10:00-11:30am. Contact Meredith about details for play dates over the summer months.
Saturday, May 14 from 6:00-10:00pm, is Parents’ Night Out. Drop the kids off, go out (or sleep in the car, if you’re too tired to actually go anywhere!), and remember when you and the hubs got to do what you wanted to do! Bless!
Sunday, May 15, during the Sunday school hour, Pastor Garry will be leading a one-time Outreach Training Session for all Youth and Adult Sunday school classes. The class will meet in the sanctuary, so if when you get to your classroom and no one is there…well, you get it! Teens on up are encouraged to attend. Same day, different time…4:30pm to be exact…the Mission Team will be meeting, doing all the awesome things they do!
VBS! WooHoo! WooHoo! Want to help out but don’t know where? Do you react to children like Mike, Sully and all their friends from Monsters, Inc.? Don’t panic! There is a spot for everyone! Check with Molly and Natalie to find out what you can do…don’t miss out on the fun! VBS will be June 5-10…block out your schedules to make sure that you are available to participate!
Warmer weather means more fellowship opportunities (and more eating)! Here are the dates through early fall: May 22, June 12, July 10, August 14, and September 11. Start looking through your recipes now…see you next month!