So August came and went, and finally summer has arrived!  Lots of things happened last month like calling Garry Jones to be our pastor (along with Lori, of course…Hi Lori!), the Alaska Mission trip and the fall start-up of youth activities and 252. incase


I’d like to give a nice big shout-out WELCOME! to Pastor Garry and Lori.  His first day in the office was Monday, August 25.  For the present, he intends to take Friday as his day off/out of the office.  His first Sunday sermon will be August 31…however, y’all are probably reading this September 2, so re-write that to “His first Sunday sermon was August 31 and it was AWESOME! …see what I did there?!
Looking ahead…starting Wednesday, September 3, there will be a new adult class on Membership at 6:30 p.m.  This is for everyone, members and non-members alike.  Learn what God’s Word says our responsibilities are to our church and each other.   Trying to decide if you want to become a member?  Think about it!  God brought you here for a reason…just sayin’!


Our church is joining with Rockville Christian Church for “Picnic in the Park” on Sunday, September 7, from noon until 4:00 p.m.  There will be various activities as well as plenty of food for the purpose of community outreach.  This is a small community where everyone knows each other, so I know that you know the people around us really need Christ.  For this to happen, we need to show up at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, September 6, at the Christian Church to help hand out bags door-to-door for this event.  Then we need to be at Beechwood Park the next day as we “Love Our Neighbors.”  This is important, people! Show up and be whatever body part you are and OWN it!  (FYI:  There will be reg. SS and morning service, but no regular evening activities (252 or Bible study) that Sunday… but the Youth WILL meet from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in order to watch the movie “To Save a Life.”)


Sunday, September 14, at 6:00 p.m. we will be having a Church Bonfire fellowship.  Everyone is invited, including 252 kids and their families.  I believe that food will be provided, but I doubt you can ever have too many goodies, if you feel so inclined!  There will be no lessons or Bible study that night, but come out for some good fellowship and fun.  Let’s strengthen those ties that hold us together as a church…well, and maybe eat a few cookies, too!


At 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 24, teens from local schools will meet at our church for a “See You at the Pole” prayer gathering.  Many of us prayed in the classroom when we where teenagers and no one thought twice about it.  Times have changed; even here in Rockville.  Let’s encourage our teens to be bold in their faith.  Our country needs strong leaders who aren’t afraid to speak Truth.  See you at the pole!