WHAT’S GOIN’ ON?! Newsletter
Well, well, well…it’s November! Only two more months in 2014…where did the time go?! Not sure what happened last month? Here’s the recap! The 252 kids and youth spent a fun evening at Hobson’s Farm, and Ashley Overpeck gave a quick lesson on God’s creation. What was the largest seed on record again? I think it was from a plant on the island of Madagascar?…someone remind me! October 10 was Brent Lacy’s last day as our youth pastor. He has taken a new position with the National Network of Youth Ministries. There was a fellowship dinner on the 19th to encourage the Lacy family and to kick off his new position. Want to know more about his new job or find out how you can support him in this endeavor? Check out the information table in the church foyer. Finally, Pastor Garry started another Membership 101 information class. The class will continue to meet Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 a.m. for the next 3 weeks. Check it out if you want to be in the know!
Sunday, November 2, is the biggest day of the month! Operation Christmas Child boxes need to be turned in by this date. Any information you might need about this can be found in the foyer welcome room and there are still some free boxes on the stage in the sanctuary. Check with Regina Overpeck, Donna Leonard or Sue Spangler if you have any questions. Same Sunday…November 2 is Family Sunday. There is NO Jr. Church or Extended Session. Moms and Dads, be sure to bring your Mary Poppins bags to help keep your little ones occupied! Still November 2!…there will be a Church Council meeting at 8:30 a.m. because (you guessed it!) there will be a business meeting following the morning service. Important stuff happening, so don’t miss this!
On Sunday, November 23, we will be having our Thanksgiving Fellowship dinner after the morning service. Bring all your goodies and yummies and…I love this time of year! Afterward, let the napping commence! There will be no 252 or Bible studies that evening, and the church offices will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 27-28.
Don’t forget about the prayer meeting on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m.! There has been someone to watch the littles in the back, so don’t let that stop you from coming to encourage and be encouraged. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to really get to know each other, warts and all! We’d love to see you!…teens included!
(Make a siren noise in your head, please!) ALERT!!! Public Service Announcement! Our Candlelight Christmas Service will be Sunday, December 21. If you want to participate in this year’s program (and you know you do!), you need to contact Rick Cobb or Sabrina Vincent as soon as possible! It takes time to put together such amazing talent! (OK, you can stop your siren. It was fun, though, wasn’t it?! I won’t tell!) 😉